About Us
Our mission and what we do
Our Mission? 🎾🏆
We want to bring tennis and other sports to everyone, regardless of their background or situation in life. However we know from experience the barriers that stop people trying a new sport.
They might be financial, concerns over ability or the social aspects of turning up somewhere new and meeting new people. This can be the case for adults and children alike. We aim to find ways to break down the most common barriers people tell us that stop them accessing sports, and open up pathways into the benefits of physical activity.
🎾Barriers To Participation🎾
We understand how starting a new hobby can sometimes be expensive and often requires significant initial outlay for equipment, club membership or lesson fees.
We understand that some sports can be more accessible than others. Our aim is to encourage inclusivity for all abilities. Lack of good accessible community facilities can also be a barrier.
Sport can be a huge boost for mental wellbeing, but sometimes having the confidence and energy to take the first step can be the biggest challenge to get playing.

What We Do
Our Services
Net Gain provide’s the following:
A dedicated and experienced team of professional sports coaches
Subsidised or free lessons, memberships, kit and equipment
Opportunities for all to participate in sport, by bringing activities to local communities
Expertise in running sports facilities and clubs, community assets, including health and safety, compliance and safeguarding
Opportunities for young people to train as leaders and coaches in various sports
Regeneration of local sporting spaces, bringing them into the heart of the community, by providing vibrant activities at these spaces
Showing people first hand through experience, the wide ranging benefits of sports to physical and mental wellbeing
Opportunities for social interactions in a relaxed environment, encouraging people to make connections through the sessions
Encouragement and advice on how to continue their chosen sport independently in the long term, ensuring when our provision ends, their experience doesn't.
Our Goals
Social Skills
We believe that sports key to building peoples social confidence and actively reduces loneliness in our community.
Role Models
We provide an environment that encourages and inspires through positive role models and fun experience.
Physical Health
Tennis is one of the physically beneficial sorts for both children and adults and we aim to help anyone and everyone reach peak health